The Best Fashion Styles and Colors to Wear For Your Star Sign

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Our star sign reflects our unique personality and character traits and can also influence the way we dress. Each sign has a lucky color and some styles and shades just work better for each Zodiac.

1. Scorpio: Classic Black

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Scorpios look awesome in sexier styles and stronger shades like black. Dark intense colors match your mysterious and passionate personality. Black, burgundy, and rich shades of brown and purple are most flattering on Scorpions.

2. Gemini: Bold Colors and Print

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Geminis tend to stay away from monochromatic outfits like all-black or all-white. Instead, the twins like to elevate their look to match their vibrant personalities, with print, and color. Green, blue, orange, and yellow look best on Geminis along with bold prints that complement their lively, versatile nature.

3. Aries: Fiery Red

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Aries avoid dull muted shades as they can wash out their face and make their outfit look boring. To match their fiery personalities, Rams love bold, vibrant colors especially red; which is their signature shade and lucky color. Aries also embrace statement heels to show off their naturally toned legs.

4. Leo: Glittering Golds and Metallics

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Leos are always the center of attention wherever they go so they need an outfit for the spotlight. Beige linens, neutral colors, or boring looks have no place in Leo’s wardrobe. Our lions thrive in bold sunny colors like orange, yellow, and glittering golds and metallics that reflect their confident, dynamic, and dramatic personalities.

5. Libra: Pretty Pastels

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Libras are classic and elegant so they steer clear of loud clashing colors and fashion fads. Aesthetically driven, Librans will invest in quality forever pieces like a statement coat, a luxurious printed shirt, and a timeless clutch and prefer harmonious, balanced colors that reflect their love of beauty and balance. Forest green, pastel blue, and romantic pinks are Libra’s go-to shades.

6. Taurus: Natural Earthy Looks

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Taurians love luxury fashion so their biggest no-no is tacky synthetic fibers like polyester, viscose, and rayon. Instead, the bull will gravitate toward natural, organic high-quality fabrics and fashion pieces. Green is your lucky color and black, white, and neutral shades look best on Taurus, (red and yellow are the most unflattering). Given your earthy nature bulls also love khaki and utilitarian style dressing.

7. Cancer: Soothing Oceanic Shades

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Cancers should shy away from bold, flashy colors and prints. The crab’s sensitive and nurturing personality means that soft, soothing oceanic, and earthy shades align better. You will look great and feel good in seaweed green, sky blue, sea grass blue, and chic sandy neutrals.

8. Virgo: Crisp Whites and Neutrals

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Virgos are earth signs so they’re grounded, and pragmatic and their meticulous nature means they love classic fashion staples; in mint condition and perfectly ironed of course. They avoid loud prints and bold colors and embrace softer minimalistic looks that feel like a uniform. Earthy shades like khaki green, pale blue, soft yellows, crisp white, and tan neutrals are their jam.

9. Sagittarius: Flowing Maxi Skirts and Dresses

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For a Sagittarius, nothing is worse than restriction in a job, a relationship, or their wardrobe. Forget tight body suits or trousers Sagittarians feel right at home in shades and styles that match their adventurous lifestyle and freedom-living spirit. Like maxi skirts and dresses, jumpsuits, and shades of yellow, orange, and violet—purple is associated with royalty, wisdom, and mystery which is your vibe.

10. Capricorn: Sharp Suits

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Fueled by ambition, discipline, and success Capricorns thrive when they look polished and professional. Tailored outfits like classic button-down shirts and sharp trouser suits were made for them. As for their color, the mountain goat is strong and confident in classic shades of gray, brown, dark green, and violet.

11. Aquarius: Eclectic Styles and Turquoise Green

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Aquarius is free-spirited, innovative, and unconventional so wearing conservative clothes looks unnatural on them. They gravitate towards unique, zany styles and patterns that reflect their eclectic approach to fashion. The most flattering shades and lucky colors for our water bearers are turquoise green, white, electric blue, and violet. Amethyst is your birthstone crystal and is said to relieve stress and enhance your psychic abilities which makes total sense.

12. Pisces: Dreamy Blue Shades

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Pisces are renowned for being highly sensitive, emotional, and nurturing so itchy synthetic fibers and loud metallics will never work on a fish. They steer clear of harsh fabrics, logos bold prints, and slogans favoring softer gentle fabrics in oceanic shades.  Sky blue, green, silver, and lavender best suit your calming personality and dreamy nature and styles that have a slightly arty vibe.

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