The Funniest Star Signs Ranked from Most to Least

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Humor is what makes life fun. We all want it and we all need it. Whether or not we all have it is another story. We looked to the stars to see which zodiac signs need their own standup, who uses humor to lighten the mood, and why some jokers use their comedic talents to provoke everyone.

1. Gemini: The Quick-Witted Wordsmith

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Geminis are the kings and queens of quick wit and masters of the one-liner. Ruled by Mercury the planet of rapid-fire communication, they talk fast and furious and are never stuck for words. They also know how to play with words so clever puns, quick comebacks and a side serve of sarcasm are their specialty. Socializing is where they come to life and they make it their mission to crack everyone up all night.

2. Sagittarius: The Comedic Storyteller

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Sagittarians are often the life of the party and they are pee-your-pants funny. The practical jokers of the zodiac, life can be one big comedy show for a Sag. They weave their love of adventure and new experiences into their hilarious tales. With their unapologetic flair for exaggeration, Sagittarians can turn the most mundane story into an epic animated and LOL journey. Their humor is also wickedly dark and as they are blunt, things can get R-rated fast.

3. Leo: The Hilarious Performer


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Life is a stage for Leos. These natural-born performers are warm and charming and will burst into a comedy show at a moment’s notice. They know how to command a room (and work the crowd ) so they have everyone in stitches with a funny anecdote, hilarious story, or by poking fun at themselves (and others). Their comedic genius is in their timing, delivery, and the fact nothing is off-limits.

4. Libra: The Charming Jokester

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Libras love to have a good time. Their charming nature and good looks mean people are drawn to them like moths to a flame. And they lure them in with their warmth, intellect, and sophisticated brand of humor. As they strive for peace and harmony and want everyone to be happy they often use humor as a secret weapon to lighten the mood. They aren’t in your face about it, their jokes are witty and provocative without ever being offensive.  And the best thing about Libra’s humor is you don’t expect it, then boom.

5. Aquarius: The Quirky Comedian

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Aquarians are known for their quirky perspective on life, and this zaniness trickles into their humor. Their subtle offbeat sense of humor often catches people off guard. This is what makes them so funny. Being Aquarians, they are usually a little shy about it, but their jokes are clever and pack a punch. They are also just fun to laugh at (in a sweet way), as you just never know what these unconventional oddballs are going to do or say.

6. Aries: The Standup Comic

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Aries are absolutely hilarious but their dark humor and desire to be provocative can offend if you don’t get them. If you do, however, expect to laugh so hard that you cry around their crazy, daring, and energetic jokesters. Aries’ humor is spontaneous and always off the cuff. They think fast and talk fast and can pull a comeback out of their back pocket faster than you can say, “OMG did they really just say that?” Nothing and no one is off limits for these feisty, funny little rams, and the more shock value the better.

7. Pisces: The Whimsical Storyteller

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Pisceans have huge imaginations so their humor can come straight out of left field. Their jokes are creative, whimsical, and even a little surreal. You might think Pisces are too lost in their own world to make or stay up with the jokes, but that’s the beauty of it. They’ll jump on something you said or take the smallest idea and surprise you with something hilarious and unexpected. Just don’t poke fun at them, they can’t handle it.

8. Scorpio: The Dark Humor Master

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Behind that intense exterior Scorpios can be funny. You might not be surprised to learn their humor is sharp, dark, and not for the faint of heart. They’re not afraid to dive into taboo topics and add a little edge to their jokes. They guys can make you laugh and squirm at the same time. And they do it with such intensity sometimes you wonder if they are joking or not. They are.

9. Taurus: The Dry Wit

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Tauruses have a dry, understated sense of humor that catches people off guard. They’re not the loudest or the most provocative but their humor is sharp, witty, and laced with sarcasm. What’s so great about their humor is it’s perfectly timed. The bull will observe, wait, and drop a deadpan joke that will floor everyone. And send them rolling around the floor in stitches.

10. Cancer: The Relatable Humorist

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Given their reputation for being overly sensitive and emotional, you may not consider Cancers as funny. Their superpower, however, is to channel their deep sense of empathy into crafting jokes or using wit to resonate with people on a personal level. They love to make people feel comfortable, understood, and protected. So using humor for them is a way to connect on a deeper emotional level. Like their watery cousin Pisces, just don’t make jokes at their expense they are likely to be hurt and offended.

11. Capricorn: The Sarcastic One

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Capricorns have a dry, sarcastic sense of humor often loaded with cynicism. Given their practical, serious nature they aren’t the most animated comedians, but their humor is sharp, smart, and mostly based on the absurdities of life. This is what makes them so funny and on point. You’ll love to laugh at the ridiculous with a clever Cappy.

12. Virgo: The Observational Comic

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Because they are so detail-oriented Virgos have a knack for noticing the small things others miss and they add these to their comedic bag of tricks. Their humor is less about cracking jokes and more about making hilarious statements based on their observations. There’s nuance and subtly in Virgo’s delivery and their humor is best summed up as clever, thought-provoking, and delivered with a hint of dry wit.

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