The Least and Most Loyal Friends in the Zodiac, Ranked

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Friendships come in all shapes and sizes; we all have good and bad qualities. Those “ride or die” types stick by you through thick and thin, while others breeze in and out but tend to show up for a fun time. Here’s a no-nonsense ranking of the zodiac signs that make the least loyal friends so you can choose who you let into your inner circle.

1. Gemini: They Can be Two-Faced

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Geminis can be as unpredictable as a coin flip. One day they’re your best friend, the next they’re spilling your secrets to the highest bidder. Their dual (aka two-faced) nature means they often struggle with consistency, and while they can be fun to hang out with, relying on them in a pinch. If they say, “I’ve got your back,” double-check to ensure they haven’t crossed their fingers behind theirs.

2. Aries: They Can Be Self-Absorbed

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Aries are known for their fiery passion and love for being in charge and making everything all about them. So when push comes to shove, they’ll prioritize themselves without a second thought. Their impulsive nature can make them unreliable, and they rarely consider the consequences for others. An Aries might promise to help you move and bail because something exciting came along. They’re great in the moment (and in a crisis), but don’t expect consistency and stability.

3. Sagittarius: They Can Be a Flight Risk

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Sagittarius loves adventure and freedom and hates being tied down. While they are loyal and genuinely care about you, their need for independence often takes over. If they see a shiny new opportunity or person, they’ll chase after it, leaving you in the dust. They’re the type to disappear for months without a word and come back and act like nothing happened. Don’t expect them to be around when you need a shoulder to cry on—they’re probably climbing a mountain in Africa.

4. Aquarius: They Can be Hard to Read

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Aquarius is focused on the big picture and the future, so as friends, they aren’t always present and in the moment. They also value ideas over friendship and emotions. They’re more likely to be loyal to a humanitarian cause than a person. While they value their friendships, they need a lot of personal space and won’t hesitate to cut ties if you try to restrict their growth. If you need someone who’s always there, Aquarius might not be your best bet—they’re too busy solving the world’s problems.

5. Libra: They Can Sugarcoat the Truth

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Libras are lovely people, and as they need balance and hate conflict, they will go to great lengths to avoid it, even if it means being a little disloyal. They’ll tell you what you want to hear or sugarcoat the truth, then turn around and say something completely different to someone else to keep the peace. Their desire to be liked by everyone can make them seem flaky and insincere. A Libra friend might bail on your plans to avoid disappointing someone else, leaving you questioning their loyalty.

6. Pisces: They Can Be Lost in Space

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Pisces are incredibly caring and empathetic, but their heads are often in the clouds, making them hard to reach. They’ll be there for you emotionally (emotions are their thing) but aren’t the most reliable regarding practical matters. Their tendency to escape reality can make them seem absent when you need them most. A Pisces friend will cry with you during a breakup, but don’t expect them to help you move on—they’re too busy daydreaming about their own problems.

7. Virgo: The Critical Helper

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Virgos are the friends who will show up for you, but not without some criticism. They’re incredibly reliable, but their perfectionist tendencies can make them overly critical and hard to please. They’ll help you in a crisis, but they’ll also make sure you know exactly what you did wrong to get into that situation. Their loyalty is strong, but sometimes it comes with a side of judgment that can be hard to swallow.

8. Leo: The Proud Protector

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Leos are fiercely loyal to their friends, especially when it comes to protecting them. However, their need for attention and admiration can sometimes get in the way. They want to be the star of the show, and if they feel overshadowed, they might pull back. A Leo friend will stand by you when it counts, but they also expect you to recognize their loyalty—and maybe throw a parade in their honor while you’re at it.

9. Capricorn: The Dependable Realist

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Capricorns are incredibly loyal, but they also have high standards. They’ll be there for you, but they expect you to hold up your end of the friendship too. They’re the ones who will help you out of a jam, but they’ll also remind you not to make the same mistake twice. A Capricorn friend is like a rock—steady, reliable, and maybe a little tough to crack—but once you’re in, you’re in for life.

10. Scorpio: The Intensely Loyal Guardian

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Scorpios are known for their intensity, and that extends to their friendships. When they’re loyal, they’re really loyal, but if you betray them, watch out. They don’t forgive easily, and once you’re on their bad side, there’s no coming back. A Scorpio friend will go to war for you, but make sure you never give them a reason to question your loyalty. Their protectiveness can be overwhelming, but it’s all out of love—or at least, that’s what they’ll tell you.

11. Taurus: The Steadfast Companion

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Taurus is the epitome of a ride-or-die friend. They’re reliable, patient, and will stick with you through thick and thin. They don’t do drama and they don’t appreciate it when others do either. A Taurus friend will be there for you no matter what, whether it’s helping you move or just being a shoulder to cry on. Their loyalty is unshakable, but they do expect the same in return—don’t take their loyalty for granted, or you might just lose it.

12. Cancer: The Nurturing Protector

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Cancers are fiercely loyal to their friends and will go to great lengths to protect them. They’re the ones who will drop everything to be by your side when you’re in trouble. A Cancer friend is like a warm blanket on a cold day—comforting, dependable, and always there when you need them. However, their loyalty can sometimes be a double-edged sword, as they might hold onto grudges or past hurts. But if you’re good to them, they’ll be good to you—forever.

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