The Most Insecure and Envious Friends Ranked By Star Sign

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We all have that one friend who just can’t help but compare themselves to others, whether it’s scrolling through Instagram or hearing about someone’s new relationship. Some star signs are more prone to being bitten by the jealousy bug, while other signs simply don’t have an envious bone in their body. Let’s take a look at which star signs are most likely to grapple with these feelings, ranked from most to least likely.

1. Cancer

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Cancer, as a water sign, you’re deeply emotional and sensitive, which makes you an incredibly caring friend. But while you can be an excellent friend, you can also tend to be controlled by insecurity. When your friends achieve something big, you’re genuinely happy for them, but there’s a little voice inside that wonders, “Why not me?”

2. Virgo

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Virgo, your desire for perfection makes you your own worst critic. This self-criticism can spill over into envy when you see others who seemingly “have it all together.” You might accidentally find yourself nitpicking at your friends’ successes, not because you don’t want them to succeed, but because you’re constantly comparing yourself and wondering if you measure up.

3. Scorpio


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Scorpio, you’re known for being quite intense, and while this can make you a great friend, sometimes this can translate into feelings of envy, even if you don’t show it on the surface. You are good at packing your insecurities away, but deep down, you can’t help but feel a sting of jealousy when your friends experience success.

4. Capricorn


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Capricorn, you’re ambitious to the core, and so when you see someone else getting ahead, it can trigger your insecurities—even if they’re your friend. When a friend hits a milestone before you do, you feel a tinge of envy. However, unlike the other signs, rather than dwell on it, you usually channel that energy into working even harder.

5. Leo

Unhappy,Lesbian,,Lgbt,Asian,Young,Two,Women,,Girl,Gay,,Couple, friends, jealous

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Leos, we get it. You love the spotlight, so when someone else steals it, your pride takes a huge hit. Whether it’s a friend’s new relationship, a big promotion, or even just a great new outfit, you might find yourself feeling slightly envious at the thought of being outperformed.

6. Pisces

Young,Woman,With,Dissatisfied,And,Angry,Facial,Expression,Embracing,Girlfriend, friends, friend, jealous

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Pisces, you’re a deeply empathetic and imaginative sign, but you also have a tendency to get lost in your head. You make up these grand, distorted ideas of who people really are, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy when reality doesn’t measure up. You tend to envy your friends who seem to have a more “grounded” life than you. Your insecurities stem from the fact that you often feel like you’re floating through life without a solid plan.

7. Taurus

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Taurus, you value stability and comfort, so when you see friends taking risks and succeeding, you become green with envy. Though you’re not naturally insecure, you do worry about being left behind if you’re not keeping up with the changes around you.

8. Aquarius

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Aquarians, listen up; we know you’re fiercely independent and pride yourself on being different, but this doesn’t mean you’re unaffected by insecurity. Though you’re not as insecure as a Cancer per se, you do experience a tinge of jealousy when your friends fit into the mold of society with better ease than you do.

9. Gemini

Young,Asian,Girl,Feels,Upset,And,Isolated,While,Her,Flatmates, left out

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Gemini, you’re the total life of the party, but your fear of missing out can sometimes make you quite the jealous friend. There’s no worse feeling for a Gemini than for them to see their dear friends out having fun with other people. Though they usually have an easy-breezy approach to life, they can border on possessive when it comes to their social circle.

10. Libra

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Libra, you’re all about harmony and keeping the peace, and yes, even you are prone to being envious and insecure. Being the constant peacekeeper and mediator around your friends stems from an insecurity that you need to play that role in order to keep your social circle.

11. Sagittarius

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Sagittarians make excellent friends. They’re hardcore free spirits who know the all-too-well feeling of being tied down. Because of this, they’re less likely to be possessive and jealous friends. A Sagittarius always has something new and exciting going on for them, so they’re rarely looking at you and trying to compete.

12. Aries

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Like your fellow fire sign alum, Aries, you’re a confident and self-assured sign who’s usually too busy pursuing your own goals to feel envious of others. When you do feel a twinge of insecurity, it’s often fleeting because you’re quick to refocus on your own journey. You believe in your abilities and aren’t afraid to take risks, which means you don’t spend much time worrying about what others are doing.

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