The Star Signs Least and Most Likely to Pick up the Check

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Nothing can ruin an evening out with friends more than when the check arrives. While it’s tempting to judge someone’s check-picking-up tendencies based on their wallet size, astrology may have more to say about which star signs will grab the tab and who will play dodgeball. We’ve ranked the generosity from most to least.

1. Leo: Flashy, Splashy Displays of Generosity

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Leos are known for their larger-than-life personalities, and their approach to picking up the check is no different. With a heart as big as their ego, a Leo is more than happy to cover the bill, and they’ll probably do it with a flourish. Leos loves to play the hero role, and paying for the entire meal gives them a chance to shine. It’s not just about the money; it’s about making a grand gesture and basking in the admiration of their friends.

2. Sagittarius: They Have No Relationship to Money

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Sagittarians are the wanderers of the zodiac, and their generosity matches their adventurous spirit. They’re the type to spontaneously pick up the check to keep the good times rolling. For them, money is a tool for experiences and enjoyment, not something to be hoarded. So, if you’re out with a Sagittarius, don’t be surprised if they insist on paying, all to keep the fun alive.

3. Taurus: They’ll Pay if it Was Worth it

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Tauruses are known for their love of luxury and comfort and are often willing to share that wealth with friends. They might not be the first to jump up and grab the bill, but when they do, they’ll do it with a sense of satisfaction. A Taurus appreciates a good meal and company, so they’ll happily foot the bill if it means everyone’s happy. They might not be flashy about it, but they’ll ensure the tab is covered in style.

4. Cancer: They’ll Pay for Their Crew

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>Cancers are the nurturers of the zodiac, and their approach to paying the bill is no different. They often pick up the check out of genuine care and a desire to make everyone feel appreciated. They might do it quietly, without making a fuss, but don’t mistake their subtlety for stinginess. A Cancer pays for the meal as an act of love and support, ensuring everyone leaves the table feeling warm and fuzzy.

5. Libra: They’ll Pay Their Fair Share

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Libra’s sense of fairness and balance extends to their approach to paying the bill. They’ll often try to split the check or ensure everyone pays their fair share. If they pick up the tab, they usually want to maintain harmony and balance within the group. They’re not likely to cover the whole check unless it’s a special occasion, but they’ll make sure the payment is handled gracefully.

6. Aquarius: You Never Can Tell

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Aquarians are known for their unique perspective on life, which extends to how they handle the check. They’re not opposed to picking up the bill but are also not conventional about it. They might suggest splitting it unconventionally or finding a creative way to handle it. Their approach is less about generosity and more about maintaining a sense of equality and fairness in a quirky, Aquarian way.

7. Pisces: Too Broke to Pay

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Pisces are often lost in their dreamy worlds, and when it comes to picking up the check, their approach can be a bit… whimsical. They might offer to pay or suggest splitting it, but their follow-through can be inconsistent. They have good intentions and a big heart, but they’re also known for being forgetful or indecisive. If a Pisces does pick up the bill, it’s a pleasant surprise rather than a regular occurrence.

8. Scorpio: Your Guess is as Good as Ours

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Scorpios are intense and mysterious, and their approach to paying the bill can be equally enigmatic. They’re not the most likely to pick up the check unless there’s a deeper reason behind it. They might cover the tab if they feel it’s a strategic move or if it aligns with their personal goals. Scorpios prefer to keep their financial moves under wraps, so don’t expect a straightforward “It’s on me” from this sign.

9. Capricorn: Maybe, if They’ve Been Promoted

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Capricorns are practical and cautious, and their approach to paying the bill reflects their pragmatic nature. They’re likelier to stick to a strict budget and ensure that expenses are shared evenly. If a Capricorn does pay, it’s usually because they’ve carefully weighed the situation and decided it’s worth it. They’re not the most spontaneous when picking up the tab, but they’ll do so if it fits into their well-organized plans.

10. Gemini: They’ll Always Go Dutch

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Geminis are social butterflies with a knack for conversation, but when it comes to picking up the check, they’re the experts at splitting it. They love variety and balance, and their financial contributions often reflect their dual nature. They’ll likely suggest splitting the bill down the middle or using their charm to deflect the entire question. If you’re dining with a Gemini, don’t be surprised if they opt for a 50/50 split every time.

11. Aries: They’ll Splurge and Regret it Later

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Aries are known for their fiery, self-focused personalities, which extends to how they handle paying the bill. They might cover the tab if they’re in a particularly generous mood or if it serves their interests, but don’t count on it being a regular occurrence. They’re more likely to think about their needs first and let the check fall wherever possible. If Aries does pick up the tab, it’s often more about making a statement than genuine generosity.

12. Virgo: Not a Chance

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Virgos are all about precision and practicality, which extends to how they handle paying the bill. They’re meticulous about their finances and are unlikely to pick up the tab without a good reason. They often prefer to split the check to ensure fairness and keep everything in order. If a Virgo does cover the bill, it’s usually because they’ve calculated it as the most sensible option rather than out of spontaneous generosity.

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