The Star Signs Most Likely to Gossip Behind Your Back

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Everyone loves to indulge in a little bit of juicy gossip now and then, but some people are more prone to spilling the tea than others. Whether it’s harmless chatter or full-blown scandals, the tendency to gossip can vary depending on the person—and their star sign might just give you a clue about how likely they are to talk about you behind your back.

1. Gemini


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Gemini, you’re a natural communicator and the life of every social gathering. Because of that, you not-so-secretly love to gossip. It’s not that you’re malicious—but you are a little two-faced. Being the social butterfly you are, you also get off on being in the know and spreading the latest news, including everyone else’s.

2. Leo

Shocked,Anxious,Young,Woman,Receiving,Offending,News,Over,Her,Cell, gossip

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Leos thrive on attention and being in the spotlight. Because of this, sometimes your fight for the spotlight means you’ll resort to airing out other people’s dirty laundry. You don’t gossip out of spite but rather because you enjoy the reaction, it gets. You’re unlikely to spread rumors that could hurt someone, but you might indulge in some playful gossip to keep things interesting.

3. Libra

Three,Happy,Friends,Talking,And,Drinking,Coffee,And,Tea,Sitting gossiping

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Libras are known for their desire to keep the peace, which means that sometimes they’ll share a piece of gossip to help smooth over social situations. Because you’re not a social butterfly like a Gemini, you might find that you’ll gossip as a way to connect with others. In your heart of hearts, your intentions are usually harmless, and you’d never want to hurt anyone.

4. Sagittarius


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Sagittarius, you’re known for your blunt honesty. When it comes to gossip, you’re definitely a big offender. You don’t see the point in sugarcoating things. If you have something to say about someone, you’ll say it—whether they’re in the room or not. But really, what might be perceived as gossip is really just you speaking your mind.

5. Aries


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Aries, like your fire sign alum, your fiery nature means you’re not afraid to speak your mind, and sometimes that includes saying things about others when they’re not around. You don’t go out of your way to gossip, but if someone crosses you or rubs you the wrong way, you might vent to others without thinking twice. Unlike other signs, you’re also rarely fearful of whatever consequences may arise from gossiping, too.

6. Aquarius

College,Friends,,Phone,And,Gossip,Or,Fake,News,About,Students gossiping

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Aquarius, you’re not the type to indulge in tawdry gossip just for the sake of it, but your intellectual curiosity can sometimes lead you to analyze and discuss people’s behavior. You might conduct a social outing post-mortem where you dissect the way someone behaved, but you hardly engage in gossip just for fun.

7. Capricorn

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Capricorns are generally too focused on their own goals to get wrapped up in tedious social things like gossip. You prefer to keep things professional and straightforward, but that doesn’t mean you’re entirely immune to the occasional slip. Even when you do slip up, your gossip usually serves a practical purpose nonetheless.

8. Virgo

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Virgos are detail-oriented and analytical, which means you’re more likely to notice the little things that others might miss. You might make an off-hand yet critical comment, and all of a sudden, you’re being labeled a gossiper. Though it is technically gossip, it’s more about expressing your frustration or concern than trying to spread rumors.

9. Scorpio

Young,Couple,Two,Friends,Family,Man,Woman,Wear,Casual,Clothes, secret

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Scorpios are well-known staunch secret keepers. You’re the last person anyone would expect to gossip, and for good reason—you value trust above all else. If you have a secret to tell, be sure to tell it to a Scorpio who will guard it with their lives. As a water sign, you’re more likely to be the one others gossip to than be the gossiper yourself.

10. Taurus

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Taurus, you’re a loyal friend who values stability and trust in your relationships. You’re not one to engage in gossip because you don’t see the point in stirring up trouble and disrupting the peace. You strive to keep things drama-free, and if someone tries to gossip with you, you’re more likely to change the subject or offer a grounded perspective instead.

11. Pisces

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Pisces, you’re deeply empathetic and sensitive to the feelings of others, which is why you can empathize with someone being gossiped about. You’re also the friend people turn to when they need to talk, and you take that role extremely seriously; you’re careful not to betray their trust. Though you might listen to gossip, you’re unlikely to spread it.

12. Cancer


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Everyone needs a Cancer in their corner. Being a water sign, you’re the most emotionally attuned of all the signs, and you’re also fiercely protective of those you care about, and the idea of gossiping behind is sacrilegious to you. You value trust and loyalty above all else, and you’re the person who will jump to defend someone who’s being talked about rather than join in the gossip.

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