The Star Signs Most Likely to Lead a Double Life, Ranked

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We all have secrets, but some people can take things to the next level and assume a double life. It might be as innocent as hiding a favorite hobby or guilty pleasure, or as damaging as a full-blown alter ego or affair. Using astrology as our moral compass, read on to see if your sign, or anyone close to you, made the cut.

1. Gemini

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Geminis are the Twins of the zodiac, so that sets them up for a double life right there. Add in their ability to adapt to any situation and love of variety and these guys are masters of the change up. The mirror does have two faces in the case of Gemini. The twins feel compelled to explore the different sides of themselves. If you believe in generalizations, they are most likely to cheat, suddenly quit their jobs to move to another country, or even assume another identity.

2. Scorpio

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Scorpios have an intense and secretive nature making them a great candidate for leading a double life. They’re masters of keeping things hidden, controlling the narrative, and acting all mysterious. Scorpios are also very private, so whether it’s a secret relationship, hidden talent, or personal ambition they’ll guard it fiercely and you’ll never find out.

3. Pisces

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Pisceans have a vivid imagination and that’s where they tend to live. As natural escapists, the lines between fantasy and reality are very blurred for the fish. The world can be a harsh place for sensitive, emotional Pisces so they tend to retreat and that could be straight into a double life. Their secret alternate reality could be an underground hobby, a hidden relationship, or a completely different life online.

4. Aquarius

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Aquarians are rule-breakers known for their unconventional thinking. They don’t follow society’s norms and their fiercely independent streak could see them take on another persona or lead a double life. They tend to do this naturally anyway as Aquarians live in their heads and always have one foot in the future. And because everyone thinks they are cold and aloof (when they are just busy being different) they usually have to fake being present and social.

5. Libra

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Librans spend their lives striving for balance. The idea that they are balanced is a total misconception, those scales are always seesawing back and forth, weighing everything up. This fuels their infamous indecision, and, at times, they don’t even know who they are. So they morph into two people and lead a double life in their desperate bid to find that elusive balance. Librans will also avoid conflict at all costs, even if it means taking on another persona.

6. Capricorn

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Capricorns are driven by a desire to succeed and will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Even if it means keeping certain aspects of their life under wraps or transforming into a version of themselves that will help them in their game plan. Capricorns might even lead a double life to project that they are on the fast track to success to others as they have a major fear of failure.

7. Virgo

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Virgos are serious, detail-oriented, methodical, and perfectionists in every area of their lives. They’re also deeply private and a little reserved so they can hide their true thoughts and feelings from others. This combo can lure Virgos into a double life as it’s exhausting trying to be perfect and always appear cool calm and collected. When the sun goes down they might turn into party animals, engaging in self-sabotaging behavior, or indulging in casual dalliances or affairs.

8. Cancer

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Cancers are homebodies but they live in two places. Their actual home, and inside a crab shell where they’ll retreat whenever they feel threatened or someone hurts their feelings. So by nature, they live a double life. Cancers are deeply emotional and empathetic so they will never live an actual double life as that could cause pain to those they love. They do project a tough exterior so may keep their emotions under wraps and when they get the better of them they could keep unhealthy behaviors like drinking too much hidden.

9. Leo

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Leo loves to live in the spotlight making leading a double life tricky. Plus they are nothing if not brutally honest. Well, with others anyway. When it comes to themselves, the lion will do anything to maintain their proud, confident, and dynamic image. This may inspire them to wear a mask, which they are pretty good at considering they love to perform. A Leo will never intend to do anything to hurt anyone but they will always put themselves first. So if they are in a relationship and fall instantly in love with someone else, they will pursue it.

10. Aries

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Aries are the children of the zodiac so they are always looking for the next thrill. Rams aren’t naturally secretive, if anything, they love to hit anyone over the head with their truth hammer. However, their impulsivity could propel them into a double life (particularly in their romantic relationships) because they get bored easily. Their desire for excitement is further fueled by the fact they love taking risks, but hurting people, not so much.

11. Sagittarius

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Sagittarians’ love of adventure, freedom, and exploration means they have an insatiable curiosity for everything around them. This free-spirited nature can lead them to live a double life. Not out of malice or deceit, but because they find it almost impossible to settle into or commit to one path or one person. They tend to explore different lifestyles, relationships, or identities, and while they aren’t secretive the thrill of juggling without getting caught appeals to their adventurous side.

12. Taurus

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Taurus is the most unlikely to lead a double life. They just love structure, stability, and consistency far too much. They are also so deeply rooted in their routines, that the idea of change or living a life that isn’t transparent will rattle them more than an earthquake. Taurueans aren’t drawn to risks or thrills, and if god forbid, they ever led a double life, it would be out of a desire to protect their safe, secure life and family at all costs. Not that they’d ever let their guard down enough to put that or them at risk.

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