The Star Signs You Should Never Go Into Business With

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Choosing the right business partner is no small task. While skills, experience, and shared goals are crucial, personality traits also play a huge role. Some people are just naturally suited to the highs and lows of business life, while others,  well, not so much. Here are all the signs that will give you a run for your money or will run your business into the ground, ranked from worst to best.

1. Gemini


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Even though Gemini is brimming with brilliant ideas and endless enthusiasm, they have a tendency to flip-flop on decisions and can be a nightmare in a business setting. One day, they’re all in on one idea, and the next, they’re not. While their creativity is their strength, they certainly don’t have business prowess. And their dual nature means you can’t always trust them.

2. Sagittarius

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Sagittarius also doesn’t make great business partners. They’re the adventurer of the zodiac, always chasing the next big thing. So, while they might be innovative, they’re not really reliable in a business sense. They’re also not built for the regular 9-5 grind, let alone the countless hours it takes to get a business off the ground.

3. Pisces


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Pisces are empathetic and creative, so they’re always full of great ideas. However, their tendency to get lost in their emotions and daydreams can make it difficult for them to stay grounded in the practicalities of running a business. When it comes to making tough decisions, they simply can’t follow through and, therefore, aren’t exactly equal in terms of partnerships.

4. Aquarius

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Aquarians are well-known visionaries. While this is a fantastic quality, it can also be a double-edged sword in a business partnership. Because they have a tendency to think outside the box, some of their ideas end up being a little too unconventional and impractical. They struggle to think about the less interesting aspects of business, like budgets and other restrictions.

5. Aries

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Aries is driven, ambitious, and always ready to take action. While these are certainly great qualities in a business partner, they’re also incredibly impulsive and can make decisions without thinking. Or consulting their business partner. Aries doesn’t like to answer to anyone, not even in an equal business partnership.

6. Libra

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Unlike an Aries, a Libra will never make a tough decision. Their desire to keep the peace and make everyone happy is so strong that unresolved issues fester beneath the surface and create cracks in the partnership. While it’s true that they are great at building relationships and keeping things harmonious, they have a total inability to be cutthroat. If you’re looking for a partner who can make the hard calls, Libra might not be your best bet.

7. Cancer

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Cancers are deeply emotional and, therefore, struggle to make clear-headed business decisions. While they’ll be excellent at empathizing with the business and your partners, Cancers have issues with overprotectiveness and struggle to take risks. They also take everything to heart and often don’t know how to separate business and relationships.

8. Taurus

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Taureans are dependable and hardworking; they have a deep commitment to stability and will be steadfast in your business partnership. Though this can also mean they’re resistant to innovation and new ideas, when paired with a Gemini, this odd couple can really whip a business idea into shape that is both creative and solid.

9. Virgo

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When it comes to running a business, you want a meticulous perfectionist in your corner. Virgo’s incessant attention to detail and dedication to quality are unmatched. They have a relentless pursuit of perfection, which is bound to be inspiring and will keep your business chugging along through all of its ebbs and flows.

10. Capricorn


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When the day is done, most signs pack up and go home. Not Capricorn; they’re incredibly driven and ambitious, which gives them the competitive edge that you need on your side. They’re dedicated to success, and though they may push harder than you like, they’ll keep you motivated as your business grows.

11. Leo


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Leos are born to be CEOs with charisma and confidence to spare. They’re not afraid to take charge, which means that they’ll lead any business fearlessly and with total charisma. When a Leo is at the helm of a business, there is guaranteed success that will follow, though you may need to tackle their ego once in a while.

12. Scorpio


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Surprisingly, a Scorpio is one of the best signs to go into business with—if you can handle their intensity, that is. Scorpios are ridiculously strategic, resourceful, and fiercely loyal, which makes them intense as people but excellent business partners when they’re on your side. Though their dedication can be stifling at times, a Scorpio is a formidable ally when it comes to being in business.

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