The Trigger that Sets Off Each Star Sign the Most

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We all have our trigger points and what they are and how we react can come down to our star sign. Using astrology as a guide we examine what triggers each zodiac sign the most.

1. Aries – Being Held Back

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Hotheaded Aries are truly free spirits, and the one thing they hate the most is any form of delay or restriction. They thrive on action and speed, so anything slowing them down is a major irritant, patience is not their virtue.

Taurus – Uncertainty

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As a grounded, practical earth sign, Taurus values stability and predictability. So, any sudden changes to their lives or a general lack of clear plans can make them feel uneasy and frustrated.

3. Gemini – Boredom

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Geminis love their freedom and need constant mental stimulation and plenty of adventure. Repetitive tasks or dull conversations can quickly bore them and make them angry and restless.

4. Cancer – Insensitivity

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The deeply emotional Cancer values compassion above all else. If you act coldly or insensitively towards them, you’ll not only annoy them, but you’ll also hurt them deeply and they can brood for days.

5. Leo – Being Ignored

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When it comes to Leos, the cardinal rule to staying on their good side is to never ignore them. Leos love being in the spotlight. When their efforts go unnoticed or they feel sidelined, it really gets under their skin.

6. Virgo – Disorder

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Virgos thrive on organization and order. There is nothing that will annoy a Virgo faster than being surrounded by clutter and chaos in their environment. It’s a surefire way to make them feel anxious and irritable.

7. Libra – Conflict

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As a cardinal sign, Libras are the peacekeepers. They value harmony and peace above all else. They do anything to avoid confrontations or disagreements which leave them feeling stressed and totally off balance.

8. Scorpio – Dishonesty

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Being water signs, Scorpios are intensely loyal and put massive importance on trust. An easy way to annoy a Scorpio is to lie to or deceive them and if you do they will hold a grudge for all of eternity.

9. Sagittarius – Restrictions

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Sagittarius’ intrinsic love of freedom and adventure makes them slippery to lovers and friends. Don’t try to confine or restrict a Sagittarius in any way. You won’t succeed, and you can make them feel trapped, and annoyed and they’ll run for the hills.

10. Capricorn – Laziness

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Capricorns are earth signs, meaning that they’re hardworking, responsible, disciplined, and ambitious to a fault. Being around lazy or unmotivated people can frustrate them to no end and leave them cold.

11. Aquarius – Conformity

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Aquarians are unconventional in every way and cherish individuality and innovation. That’s why you should never ask an Aquarian in your life to conform to societal norms or traditions. This will make them feel trapped and, in turn, they’ll distance themselves and become aloof.

12. Pisces – Criticism

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Pisces are a water sign, meaning that they’re instinctively very sensitive and empathetic. Harsh criticism, especially when it’s not constructive, can hurt their feelings and dampen their spirit to the point they will become an emotional wreck.

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