The Zodiac Signs Most Likely to Ghost or Stand You Up

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Dating smarter can save you time, energy, and heartbreak. It’s worth doing a little homework on who you’re dealing with to spot red flags and weed out the ghosts. Using astrology as a guide we decode the signs most likely to go into vanish mode or worse stand you up.

1. Gemini

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Geminis are the twins of the zodiac so they have a dual personality or to put it more simply are completely too faced. This sign is known to be flakey and can easily tell a bald-faced lie. They are masters of the switch-up so maybe they didn’t mean to ask you out or had any intention of showing up. They can go from hot and interested to ghosting you out of nowhere in a heartbeat. It takes a lot for Gemini to commit and if they do they require a lot of mental stimulation and action-packed adventure (or they may cheat) so maybe quit while you’re ahead.

2. Libra

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Libras are known for their charm and warm engaging personalities but they don’t always walk the talk. They are indecisive to the point of wishy-washy so have a problem keeping promises, and following through on plans. They also hate conflict so they’d rather ghost you than have to explain. Enjoy the fun while you’re around them, but don’t expect much consistency. This sign strives for balance but that’s all they are doing; striving. Mostly they are just seesawing, trying to work out what they want, who they want, and whether they should buy the patterned or the plain toilet paper.

3. Capricorn

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Capricorns can be tunnel-visioned. They work so hard chasing promotion and success that their personal life is placed on the back burner. If a Capricorn has ghosted you or stood you up it’s because they were burning the midnight oil at the office. They aren’t flippant but they are selfish (and a little cold) so if you need a lot of attention and affection and aren’t overly ambitious this is not the sign for you.

4. Virgo

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Virgos are massively self-critical and die-hard perfectionists. This is why it takes them so long to even get to the point of asking you out. If they do you better believe they like you.  If they go into vanish mode or don’t show up it’s because they started second-guessing themselves and lost confidence. To them, nothing is worth doing if it’s not done right. As an earth sign, they can also be a little cold and emotionless which explains but doesn’t excuse their behavior.

5. Taurus

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Taureans are creatures of habit and rarely step outside their comfort zone, so honestly, you’re probably better off if they ghosted you or didn’t show up because stubbornness and inflexibility are their middle name. It’s hard for Taurus to change their routine and add new people into their lives so they probably didn’t show because they were too scared of disrupting their sense of familiarity and stability.

6. Cancer

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Cancers in a relationship are deeply committed and nurturing to the point of suffocation. If they have ghosted you, or stand you up it’s either because you have deeply hurt their feelings or they are so afraid you might, so they backed out. Don’t worry you didn’t do or say anything wrong; a Cancer can take another personal sneezing around them personally. Crabs aren’t just overly sensitive and emotional they are also pretty moody so that could also explain it. Honestly, let this one go back into their shell and move on.

7. Aquarius

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Aquarians are so focused on being innovative and independent that they can become emotionally detached. If they feel either is threatened or you don’t provide enough mental and intellectual stimulation they will probably ghost you to avoid confrontation or emotional conversations. Their unconventional, unpredictable nature and need for freedom make them the most likely to vanish without warning.

8. Sagittarius

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Sagittarians value their freedom and constant need for adventure above everything and everyone else. They don’t want to settle down for that reason and if they feel confined or bored they disappear without a second thought. Their desire to explore new horizons, experience new things, and meet new people can mean they met someone else while entertaining you, but don’t worry that won’t last either.

9. Aries

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Aries are impulsive, rushing into things head first and usually regretting it later. So if they seemed super interested and asked you out, they probably meant it at the time. Perhaps something shiny, new, and more exciting caught their eye. Given they are always rushing around they may stand you up without even realizing it. And if they ghost you it’s because they tend to jump from one idea to the next at lightning speed leaving tasks incomplete.

10. Leo

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Leos love to be the center of attention and can be a little pretentious so if they have ghosted you or stood you up maybe they were too busy preening their fabulous hair in the mirror. They are very in-the-moment people so if they were warm and attentive when you were messaging or on a previous date they meant it at the time. Perhaps they scored a VIP pass to some incredible party and were just too caught up in themselves to remember they made plans.

11. Pisces

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Pisces are super sensitive and can easily become emotionally overwhelmed by their feelings, particularly if they do like you. So they may very well ghost if they feel scared, stressed, or conflicted. The slippery fish’s tendency to escape into their imaginary world can also mean they forgot they planned a date in the real one. They don’t mean to be rude or upset you, especially given they absorb your emotions too which could push them right over the edge.

12. Scorpio

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Scorpios might be mysterious and intense but they are deeply committed and loyal when in a relationship. That sense of loyalty means they are unlikely to stand you up. They may not ghost you either unless there’s a damn good reason. That reason is most likely because they have major trust issues so they are probably scared of getting hurt and have a tendency toward self-sabotage.

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