The Zodiac Signs Most Likely to Strike It Rich And How

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While astrology can’t guarantee you’ll become an instant billionaire each sign does have traits that make them financially savvy. Whether they make money through hard work, smart investments, or their visionary genius, we’ve ranked the zodiac signs most likely to strike it rich.

1. Capricorn: The Ambitious Climber

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Capricorns are renowned for their strong work ethic and relentless, almost ruthless, ambition. These goats are disciplined, responsible, and goal-oriented and have their eye on the prize. They will stop at nothing to achieve success and kill it in careers that require structure, planning, and long-term commitment. Also financially savvy in a strategic way, their investment in their career and passion for investing in smart, secure opportunities means they will most likely find that pot of gold. Whether or not they spend it remains to be seen.

2. Taurus: The Sensible Investor

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Tauruses are patient, and practical, and tend to attract wealth. They love a little luxury, but they aren’t indulgent. These guys know how to balance their books like nobody’s business and their end game is stability and security. This makes them excellent savers and cautious investors but their conservative approach usually means they hit pay dirt. So they will then go buy some nice designer rugs for their home.

3. Virgo: The Detail-Oriented Analyst

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Virgos are meticulous and detail-oriented so they were born for a role in financial planning and analysis. They also happen to have a knack for sniffing out opportunities and identifying risks. As perfectionists they are risk-averse so anything they invest in you can bet, is based on a well-informed, thoroughly researched financial decision. They love money and they tend to rack it up. Spending it, not so much.

4. Scorpio: The Power Hungry

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Scorpios are known for their intensity and intuitive nature which they employ to make smart financial investments. They have a deep understanding, and respect for, power and influence and draw on this to make money. This sign will happily take calculated risks if they believe the reward is worth it. They tend to strike it rich in fields that require deep analysis and strategic thinking like stock trading, real estate, and business negotiations. Or actually, anything where they feel they can outsmart their opponent.

5. Leo: The Charismatic Leader

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Leos are natural-born leaders, so they thrive in positions of authority like CEOs. Given their confident, dynamic personalities they are excellent at inspiring and motivating others. Leos can also be ruthlessly ambitious, and this is usually motivated more by their need to be admired, than their desire to be rich. Although being Leos they tend to get both. The respect of everyone around them and truckloads of cash. The good news is they will generously lavish it on others. Provided, that is, there is enough left to spend on maintaining their fabulous hair and investing in a knockout wardrobe.

6. Sagittarius: The Optimistic Opportunist

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Sagittarians are eternally optimistic, and open-minded and get off on traveling the world. That can be an expensive habit, however, so they are always seeking out new money-making opportunities.  Not to buy a house, that’s boring, but a safari trip to Africa aboard a private plane, you better believe it. Given their thirst for learning and knowledge, they know how to research and spot opportunities. Add in their adventurous nature and they also get a thrill out of taking risks. Sagittarians usually follow the money by exploring new innovations or uncharted industries.

7. Aquarius: The Innovative Genius

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Aquarians are known for their originality and innovative, out-of-the-box thinking. They tend to be pioneers, and as they are future-focused, are ahead of their time (and the curve). These visionaries are a perfect fit for careers in technology and scientific research as their unconventional ideas always turn into profitable ventures. You’ll want to add an Aquarian to your start-up team that’s for sure.

8. Aries: The Fearless Investor

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Aries are bold, confident, and love a challenge. They aren’t necessarily entrepreneurial as that’s too long-term, but taking a risk? Bring it. As they are impulsive, money tends to slip through their fingers but their dynamic and competitive nature drives them to seek fun new opportunities. And let’s face it, they need wealth to fund their exciting lifestyles and splash their cash on shiny new things. Which, of course, they will immediately become bored of, but that’s not the point.

9. Pisces: The Creative Visionary

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Pisceans are imaginative, intuitive, and creative and have no relationship to money whatsoever. For them feeling flush is a means to express their artistic talents and visionary ideas. While not financially driven, their creativity can lead to them becoming incredible artists, successful musicians, and famous writers which can prove very lucrative. If they do strike it rich, they will probably have no idea what to do with the money and could find it emotionally overwhelming.

10. Libra: The Smart Negotiator

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Libras are known for their charm and diplomacy so you want to put them front and center when it comes to negotiations. They are also intellectually smart and given their need for balance, they will weigh up every possible option before making a financial decision (or any decision for that matter). Librans tend to gravitate towards careers in law, diplomacy, public relations, and technology all of which can generate serious coin. Their ability to mediate and collaborate means they will make any partnership a successful and profitable one.

11. Cancer: The Intuitive Investor

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Cancers are deeply intuitive so they will make financial decisions based on their gut feelings. That said, their feelings can also be an issue as their emotions can dictate their moods and behavior. As they value security and stability above all else (other than being at home), they tend to make long-term investments. Yes, you guessed it, in real estate.

12. Gemini: The Versatile Earner

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Geminis are versatile, quick-thinking, and adaptable so while they don’t tend to hold down a job long (which is fine by them) they excel in fast-paced environments. Success to them means living in the moment, not planning for the future so they are always on the lookout for the latest new opportunity. Which they will seize and throw themselves into until they get bored and restless. Then they’ll race off in search of the latest, latest new opportunity.

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