The Zodiac Signs With The Worst Personal Hygiene

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Maintaining good personal hygiene means being self-aware and caring about your appearance and the impression you make on others. We can all slip a little now and then, but some people are just more prone to hygiene lapses. Exploring the character traits of each star sign, we reveal the common offenders whose grooming hygiene habits are a little more lax than the rest of us.

1. Pisces


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Oh, Pisces, you dreamer, you’re often so lost in your thoughts that you’re sometimes not as focused on the physical world—including your personal hygiene. It’s not that you don’t care; it’s just that you’re more interested in what’s going on in your mind than whether you remembered to put on deodorant this morning or brush your hair.

2. Sagittarius


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Sagittarius, you’re all about living life to the fullest, and sometimes chasing your next adventure will accidentally take precedence over taking a shower or doing laundry. You’d rather be out exploring the world than stuck at home worrying about whether your socks match. Be sure to always freshen up before you blast away to your next adventure.

3. Aquarius

A,Woman,Covers,Her,Mouth,With,Her,Hand. bad hygiene

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Aquarius, you march to the beat of your own drum, and that includes your approach to personal hygiene. Because you’re not one to follow the crowd, sometimes that means you’re not as concerned with conventional cleanliness standards. You might be the type to skip the odd shower if you’re engrossed in your newest project. You may even wear the same outfit a few days in a row because it’s comfortable.

4. Gemini

Middle,Aged,Man,Holding,Hand,Near,Mouth,And,Checking,Breath hygiene

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Gemini, as an air sign, you’re always juggling a million things at once, which can sometimes mean that your personal hygiene takes a backseat. You’ll find you’re getting ready in the morning, but suddenly, you get sidetracked by a text or a new idea, only to realize halfway through the day that you forgot to brush your teeth or put on deodorant. It’s not your fault that you have a busy mind.

5. Aries

Close,Up,Unhappy,Sad,Woman,Looking,At,Red,Acne,Spots bad hygiene

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Aries, when aren’t you on the move? You don’t take the time to slow down for the little things like your personal hygiene. You might skip a shower after a workout because you’re too busy rushing to your next activity or forget to change your clothes because you’re so caught up in a fiery moment.

6. Taurus

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Taurus, you are the definition of a bed-rotter. You love comfort and relaxation, which sometimes leads you to let your hygiene slide—especially when you’re in full-on lazy mode. You’ll be most likely to lounge around in pajamas all day or skip washing your hair because you’re too fixated on the latest Netflix show.

7. Libra

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Libra, you’re all about balance, but sometimes that means you’re trying to juggle so much that your personal hygiene slips through the cracks. Unlike the other signs, rather than neglecting hygiene, you might find yourself cutting corners—skipping a shower to save time or forgetting to brush your teeth because you’re running late.

8. Cancer


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Cancer, you’re all about taking care of others, but that means that you forget to take care of yourself. You might be so focused on making sure everyone else is happy and comfortable that you get into a funk and neglect your own personal hygiene. We know it’s easy for you to get caught up in your emotions or responsibilities, but remember, self-care isn’t selfish—it’s necessary.

9. Capricorn

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Capricorn, you burn the midnight oil. You’re known for your work ethic and dedication, which can sometimes mean that your personal hygiene takes a hit. However, being an earth sign, you are rigid and love procedure, so skipping a shower or a laundry day almost seems impossible to you.

10. Leo

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A Leo wouldn’t be caught dead looking unkempt. As a Leo, you care a lot about how you’re perceived, and that usually means you’re pretty on top of your personal hygiene. In fact, a Leo is so image-conscious that they’re the sign who is most likely to carry breath mints and a comb in their pocket.

11. Virgo


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Virgo, you’re all about rigid cleanliness and order, which means you’re unlikely to let your personal hygiene slip. You have a meticulousness about your grooming routine that rivals a Leo. In fact, you might even be a little too focused on cleanliness, to the point where you’re always washing your hands or worrying about germs.

12. Scorpio


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Surprise, surprise, Scorpio, you’re a hygiene freak. Intensely private, you take your grooming routine seriously, but you’re not one to broadcast it to the world. You might keep things low-key, but that doesn’t mean you’re not on top of your hygiene.

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