The Best Relationship Advice For Every Star Sign

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Believe what you want about astrology, but astrologers (and us) will tell you that understanding your zodiac sign’s personality and traits can help you make better decisions, especially in relationships. On that topic, we turned to the stars to extract the best relationship advice for your sign.

1. Aries: Let Your Partner Take the Wheel

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You’re strong and independent, but no, you’re not always always right Aries. Instead of trying to control every situation, let your partner take the lead sometimes. Relationships consist of two people, so you can’t always be the decision-maker. Learn how to compromise. The more power you try to exert over your partner the faster you’ll drive them away.

2. Taurus: Take a Risk on Love

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As a Taurus, you’re very realistic, so you know love isn’t perfect and there’s a chance you could wind up broken-hearted. That does not mean you should hide your emotions to prevent the risk of getting hurt. If you always choose the safer option because it’s less scary you’ll miss out on love.

3. Gemini: Stop Being Scared of Commitment

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You can talk your way out of anything Gemini, which could explain why you date people you don’t like and never actually commit. For your relationships to work, you need to be honest with yourself and your partner. Make sure your significant other knows what makes you happy, what upsets you, your values, etc. You’re safe, we promise.

4. Cancer: Don’t Smother Your Partner

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We know you love people with all your heart Cancer, it’s one of your best characteristics. It’s also the reason you get taken advantage of in your relationships sometimes. Don’t put all your energy into your partner and your relationship. If you do, you’ll sacrifice your own mental health and suffocate your partner.

5. Leo: It Can’t Always Be About You

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Don’t let your need for constant attention ruin your relationships, Leo. You’re a strong personality and we know you like being in charge. While that probably makes you successful in your professional life, it can make you a difficult and dominating partner. Leave a little room for your other half to shine once in a while.

6. Virgo: Relax and Let Your Guard Down

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You want everything and everyone to be perfect Virgo, including yourself. The problem is that perfection doesn’t exist. If you keep looking for the perfect person or trying to mold your partner into one, you’ll end up alone. Relax, Virgo, and stop taking life and relationships so seriously. Allow everyone to be who they are and it’s OK, you don’t have to iron your sheets.

7. Libra: Decide What You Want

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Libra’s thrive in a balanced partnership and have probably dreamt of getting married since they were little. So why is dating such a challenge for you? Sometimes, you come on too strong and scare people off. Other times, your hot and cold indecisive nature leaves people unsure of your intentions and feelings. Get out of your heart Libra and into your heart and work out what it is you want, communicate it, and stop second-guessing yourself.

8. Scorpio: Not Everything Is That Deep

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Scorpios pour their heart and soul into everything you do, but that intensity can be tricky in relationships. Committing to a relationship comes easy once you find the right partner. The problem is you also easily become low-key obsessed with them.  Instead of smothering your S.O. and putting unnecessary pressure on your relationship lighten up a little and try to go with the flow.

9. Sagittarius: Bite Your Tongue

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You’re the kind of romantic partner, Sag, who will shower their S.O. with affection.  When it suits you that is. It’s not easy for someone to hold your attention, especially if they do something to upset you. You’re a harsh critic with a sharp tongue and you can fall in and out of love quickly. In order for your relationships to last, you need to start showing up and bite that tongue every time you feel annoyed.

10. Capricorn: It’s Love Not Work You’ll Remember on Your Deathbed

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You’re career-driven, Capricorn, and won’t stop until you’ve achieved all your goals. Just be sure you’re also making time for other things…like finding someone to spend the rest of your life with. You have a habit of putting your relationships on the back burner but success tastes better together. Make time for love as that’s all that matters at the end of the day.

11. Aquarius: Show More Interest and Affection

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We know you prefer to keep those big thoughts in your head Aquarius but all that daydreaming and brainstorming can make you come off as cold and unfeeling. While busy contemplating the meaning of life; try also considering other people’s feelings. It’s easy for your partners to interpret your silence as disinterest. To be successful in love, you need to pay your partner, listen to their needs, and express yourself to them.

12. Pisces: Relationships are Messy and Complicated

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Pisces wants love, honest love, built on a deep and meaningful connection. You are too emotional and deep to date someone dull who doesn’t care what’s happening in the world (or the art world). Just beware of not living in reality.  We know you are looking for a unicorn (or a mermaid) but life isn’t a fairytale and relationships are messy, and require work, communication, and equal give and take.