Know This Before Even Considering Dating a Taurus

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You’ve made a good choice if you’re crushing on a Taurus. They are amazingly complicated, but the rewards are rich if you put in the effort to understand them. Have no idea where to start unraveling the mysteries of the Taurus woman? Here’s what you need to know to have the best shot at making a bull happy.

1. They Take a Practical Approach to Love

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Taurus women are known for being traditional and looking for the whole package: a long-term relationship that can one day evolve into the dream family. You know, the one that lives in the house with the white picket fence. They want the works.

2. Don’t Come at Them With Drama

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Taurus is grounded and down to earth and doesn’t have patience for your drama. Figure out if you’re in this for the long haul. Then, be honest with them. Tell a Taurus how you feel about them early and often.

3. They Expect Next-Level Loyalty

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Taurus are incredibly loyal and will be right there by your side when you need them most. They want to be the ones you call first in good and bad times. And they want to know that they can count on you, too.

4. You’ll Never Win Their Trust Back

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Because Taurus women are so loyal, they can’t understand anyone who is not. They will certainly never forgive you if you break their trust, and you’ll never win it back. Tread carefully.

5. Take Them on a Date Outdoors

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A picnic in the park? A dip in the local community pool? Flying a kite in your backyard? Taurus women are one of the three astrological earth signs. Let them feel the sunshine on their faces and the grass between their toes, and you’ll win them over big time.

6. They are SO. DAMN. JEALOUS

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Did you go out with friends last night? Which friends? Anyone else? Who did you sit next to? If you’re dating a Taurus woman, be willing to answer for your whereabouts and sometimes undergo the third degree. Have the right answers or risk the wrath of the bull.

7. They’re Creatures of Habit

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Taurus loves feeling comfortable and secure, which means they love having dependable routines. A standing movie night with friends, a bar where they can be regulars, or a restaurant where they can always order the same great dish are all things they love. Give them stability.

8. They’re a Little Materialistic

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Taurus loves the finer things in life and expects to be spoiled—a good glass of wine, gourmet cheeses, silks and satins, and nice expensive jewelry. Physical pleasures and treasures are as important as air to them, so lavish it on.

9. They Can Smell BS a Mile Away

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Taurus wants you to be your authentic self around them and to be comfortable in your skin. Don’t try too hard. It’s fake and is a major turn-off to them.

10. Seduce Them Slowly

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Taurus women want you to tantalize them with your touch. They want to be seduced slowly. Take them to the point where they can’t stand it anymore before you give in. Do this, and use all the senses, and you’ll have them forever.

11. They’re Not Stubborn, They’re Completely Inflexible

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Taurus is indeed a stubborn bull, which also translates to being completely inflexible. They tend to believe they know best, and once they make up their minds about something, you will never, ever, get them to change it. This can be maddening in a relationship, but don’t bother trying to sway them.

12. You Better Dress Well

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Taurus dresses nicely, and so should you. They don’t wear cheap clothes or synthetic fabrics. They favor quality over quantity and will invest in fashion classics over trendy fly-by-night pieces. How you present yourself is essential to them, and they need to know you have an eye for style so they can flex theirs. Creating a beautiful home and enviable wardrobe is everything to a Taurus woman.