Which Star Signs Are Most Likely to Have Their Life Together

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Whether or not someone has their life together is written in the stars. Some zodiac signs naturally gravitate toward success and structure, while others love to take a more relaxed, unconventional approach to life. Using astrology as a guide we rank the zodiac signs most likely to have it all worked out.

1. Capricorn

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Capricorns don’t just stumble into success—they’re built for it. You’d be hard-pressed to find a Cap that doesn’t have a five-year plan, a solid savings account, and is busy climbing up the career ladder. The goats are disciplined, determined, and responsible, and their homes, like their desks, are organized with military precision.

2. Virgo

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Virgos are known for their rigid attention to detail, practicality, and perfectionism. They thrive on routine and structure, which helps them stay organized and ahead of the game. You won’t find a hair out of place, they are polished and put together and as devoted to their health and well-being as they are to their careers.

3. Taurus


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Taureans are consistent and reliable and go about their business quietly and methodically. At their core, they value stability and comfort, so they thrive in a steady job and have a well-maintained maintained home. They love the finer things in life so their tidy homes are filled with luxury items like their wardrobes.

4. Libra

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Libras may not always appear to have their life together, but they are go-getters and always strive for balance and peace. They love beautiful things so they get noticed for their stylish wardrobes and enviable art collections. Harmony is their favorite word so you’re unlikely to find chaos around a Libra.

5. Leo

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Leos has it all. Confidence, charm, and a natural ability to project success. Their passion and intellect drive them to pursue their goals with determination, they’re not afraid to go after what they want. And they always get it. They also have fabulous hair, and this is a sign that has mastered the balance between a successful career and an exciting social life.

6. Scorpio


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Scorpios might seem chaotic on the surface, but underneath their intense emotional persona, they’re fiercely determined to succeed. Scorpio’s deep desire for control extends to wanting to be masters of their universe. They also crave stability, so they usually have a solid plan for their life and career. You just won’t hear about it as they are so secretive.

7. Aquarius

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By practical, or societal standards Aquarians don’t seem to have their life together. This is more because they choose to live by their own set of rules, which are generally pretty unconventional and innovative. These signs are whip-smart and future-focused so they spend a lot of time in their head dreaming up big-picture ideas to change the world and ensure their life is anything but boring.

8. Sagittarius

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Sagittarius will never fit the traditional mold of “having it all together,” but they generally don’t care because they’re not overly concerned with rigid structures or long-term plans. They are live-in-the-moment people with a thirst for knowledge and a passion for adventure and travel. Still, they have an enviable knack for always landing on their feet.

9. Gemini


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Geminis are happiest when they’re juggling multiple interests and tasks. Their adaptability and versatility can cause a tendency to get bored and distracted, but that’s OK with them. They’ll just move on to the next task. While some areas of their life are less polished than others, with their excellent communication skills they can talk their way into and out of anything.

10. Cancer

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Cancer’s emotional nature and homebody ways mean they aren’t overly ambitious. They’re often so focused on the well-being of those around them, that it can come at the expense of their own goals. And their mental health. Home is where their heart is, so you can guarantee they have a cozy tidy abode. With plenty of yummy food in the fridge. They love to cook and nurture.

11. Aries


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Aries are known for their drive and initiative, but their impulsive nature can sometimes lead to a lack of follow-through. They can’t “have it all together” because they’re too busy moving on to the next best thing when they’re bored—which is often. They are feisty and chaotic, but also confident and determined, so never underestimate them.

12. Pisces


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Pisces always have their head in the clouds. They aren’t lazy, they’re just more focused on their emotions and inner world than on practical matters. They don’t really care about money, but they love to dream and create which can lead to a chaotic lifestyle. Don’t estimate the fish either, they are wise old souls and super smart under that imaginative exterior.

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