Your Worst Traits as a Mother According to Your Zodiac

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Motherhood is certainly a journey. It can also be an emotional rollercoaster filled with love, and challenges, and tear your hair out moments. Every mother has her strengths but we also have traits that can be a little more difficult for children to navigate. Using astrology as a guide we offer insights into the personality traits of each star sign and how they can influence the way you parent.

1. Aries: Short Fuse

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Aries mothers are energetic, enthusiastic, and always on the go but their impulsiveness and short temper can get the better of them. You tend to react too quickly or harshly in stressful situations creating tension with your children and even making them fearful. You can also clash with your kids when they exert their independence as you like to be in control and also have a hard time letting go. Practice patience and take a moment to cool down before reacting.

2. Taurus: Stickler for Routine

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Taurus mothers are known for their sense of stability, reliability, and love of the finer things. The bull is also notoriously stubborn and inflexible which can be a challenge in parenting. Once you’ve made up your mind there’s no way you are able to see things from your child’s perspective which can cause power struggles. Your obsession with routine and familiar comforts can also be frustrating for kids who thrive on variety and new experiences. Try to be more flexible, open to new ideas, and take a risk now and then.

3. Gemini: Unpredictable and Unreliable

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Gemini mothers are fun, communicative, always up for an adventure, and brimming with ideas. As the zodiac’s twins, you also have a dual personality which can make you seem unpredictable, inconsistent, and even a little two-faced. Erratic moods and inconsistency can be confusing for kids who thrive on stability and security. Work on creating a more consistent and reliable environment for your children, and don’t try to do a million things at once.

4. Cancer: Overprotective and Emotional

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Cancer mothers are deeply nurturing, empathetic, and protective to the point of being overprotective and smothering. You struggle with letting your children take risks or learn from their mistakes which can hinder their confidence and independence. Crabs are also super sensitive and get upset easily and this can lead to mood swings and an unpredictable environment for your kids. Give your children space to learn and grow and work on managing your own emotions.

5. Leo: Self-Centered and Appearance Focused

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Leo mothers are warm, fun, and passionate and love to shower their children with affection. Your strong personality and need for attention and admiration can sometimes make you less present and even overshadow the needs of your children. As a proud Leo, you might also place too much importance on how your children and family are perceived by others which can add pressure and make your kids feel like they have to live up to unrealistic standards. Focus on nurturing your child’s individuality, dreams and ambitions and emphasize the importance of inner qualities over outward appearances.

6. Virgo: Obsessive Perfectionism

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Virgo mothers are detail-oriented, organized, and always striving for perfection but perfectionism can be overwhelming for you and your children. You also have a tendency to be overly critical, focusing on what needs to be improved rather than celebrating achievements. This creates a high-pressure environment and children feel like they can never meet your expectations. Be more accepting of flaws and focus on the positives we live in an imperfect world after all.

7. Libra: Passive Aggressive

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Libra mothers are diplomatic and strive for peace and harmony in their homes and family. Your desire to avoid conflict can lead to indecisiveness and inconsistency and a struggle with setting firm boundaries, which can create confusion in children. Keeping the peace at all costs can also cause you to feel resentful and you may resort to passive-aggressive behavior. Be clearer and more assertive in your communication, and don’t be afraid to make decisions that may cause discomfort but are ultimately best for everyone.

8. Scorpio: Intense and Possessive

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Scorpio mothers are intense, passionate, and possessive of their children and their need for control can create a tense and restrictive environment. You might have a tendency to be secretive making it difficult for children to foster trust and independence. Your strong emotions and intensity can also lead to volatility creating an unpredictable and explosive atmosphere at home. Give your children more freedom to make their own choices express their feelings and find healthy outlets for your own emotions.

9. Sagittarius: Brutal Honesty

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Sagittarius mothers are optimistic and adventurous, and love introducing their children to new destinations and experiences. Your love of freedom and spontaneity can mean you struggle to stick to routines and follow through on commitments. This creates an unreliable, inconsistent, and unstable environment for your children. Worse, your lack of tact and blunt honesty can come across as insensitive hurting your child’s feelings and undermining their confidence.  Establish a more consistent routine at home and be more mindful of what comes out of your mouth.

10. Capricorn: Cold and Stiff

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Capricorn mothers are responsible, pragmatic, disciplined, and deeply committed to their children’s development and success. Your hyper-focus on hard work, ambition, and success can mean you have a strict or authoritarian parenting style and can be a little cold. When you place high expectations on your children it puts necessary pressure on them and causes them to feel anxious and stressed. You also tend to prioritize work and practical responsibilities over relaxation and fun which creates an overly serious atmosphere at home. Learn to relax, incorporate more play and leisure time into family life, be more mindful of your expectations, and show more compassion and understanding.

11. Aquarius: Emotionally Detached

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Aquarius mothers are a little eccentric, and unconventional and encourage their children to think outside the box. Your need for freedom and constant mental stimulation can make you seem detached and emotionally unavailable. You may also struggle with understanding or connecting with your kids on a deeper emotional level and your unique parenting approach can be confusing for children who like structure and predictability. Work on being more emotionally present and consistent and try to connect with your children on their emotional level.

12. Pisces: Overly Sensitive and Emotional

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Pisces mothers are empathetic, deeply intuitive, and compassionate but you are also super sensitive and have a hard time controlling your own emotions.  This can create an unstable and chaotic environment and you may struggle with setting boundaries or disciplining your children. Avoiding confrontation or being too soft can create unresolved issues and passive-aggressive behavior. Focus on being more assertive and consistent and work on managing your emotions so the children don’t feel responsible for your mental well-being.

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